I am very passionate about what I do.

It has been over 2 years since I transitioned into the tech industry as a Frontend/ Full Stack Developer. Following my graduation from the JavaScript Full Stack program at Grand Circus BootCamp in February 2022,
I continuous self-study to enhance my skills. I pursued additional courses and opportunities for learning to further develop my expertise.

How I Got Here

I transitioned from my role as a Relationship Banker at Bank of America to a new position as a Frontend/ Full Stack Developer. currently showcasing my projects and passion on GitHub.
I also started learning Python to enhance my understanding of backend programming.
and I'm looking forward to starting mobile development to expand my expertise and pursue exciting opportunities in the field of mobile development.

My Background

as A Relationship Banker

Drawing from my valuable experience of 4 years in the financial industry, I garnered extensive professional expertise. This experience honed my ability to navigate challenging situations. I am prepared to incorporate these skills into the roles of web development. My background brings me the necessary tools to approach coding challenges with a strategic mindset and effectively troubleshoot issues, ensuring a smooth and resilient web development process.

Why Work With Me

When considering why you should work with me, here are several compelling reasons:
I bring a unique blend of skills and perspectives to the table with a background in both finance and software development, enabling me to approach problems creatively and strategically.

Committed to continuous learning, I adapt easily to new challenges and environments, leveraging my problem-solving abilities and technical skills to deliver top-notch results.

My passion for software development drives me to go above and beyond in every project, while my collaborative spirit fosters teamwork and positive work culture.
With a track record of delivering impactful solutions and exceeding expectations, I am dedicated to driving success and achieving great things together!

A Few More Words About Myself

In addition to my passion for learning and problem-solving, I also have a deep appreciation for entertainment and exploration. I'm a fan of K-Series and Netflix, enjoying immersive storylines and diverse cultures. When I'm not glued to the screen, I love traveling, exploring new destinations, and experiencing different cultural and cuisines.